

We work on a wide range of technologies

Main Platform

  • Ruby on Rails (RoR), Python, PHP
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle
  • Android- Java, iOS- Objective-C

Web Technologies

  • Angular.js, React, Node.js, Backbone.js
  • HTML5, Jquery, Bootstrap, CSS3
  • REST API & SOAP Services, Rails


  • Testing: Junit, Cucumber, Rspec, Selenium
  • CI: Gitlab CI, Capybara
  • SCM: Github, Gitlab
  • Code Audit : RuboCop, Brakeman

Cloud Plarform & OS

  • AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform
  • Linux, Unix, Windows
  • Docker, Vagrant

Development Techniques

& Tools

Test Driven Development (TDD)

  • Rspec
  • Junit
  • Postman- API test

Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)

  • Cucumber
  • Selenium

Minimal Viable Product (MVP)

  • Lean MVP
  • Sketch
  • Marvel App

We follow Agile Software Development


What we value


The source of our success is our commitment to our clients, their partners and organizations.


No politics, no secrets, no games, no nonsense. We highly value sincerity and transparency.


We run the extra mile for our customers with pleasure and we are distinctive in everything we do.


We stand for craftsmanship in our knowledge and expertise. It is deeply rooted in our daily routine.

Have a question? Need Technology advice?