
ICICI Bank - M2I Loyalty Platform. 

Remittance transactions increased by 15%

  • The Problem

    Problem statement

    Build a Loyalty & Reward program to support multiple-currency & segregate customers based on their transactional AVT (Volume/no. of transactions) and Frequency.Reward program compliance with the regulatory guideline.

    Sample Rewards:

    • Preferential exchange rate
    • Increased limits for transfers
    • Waive exchange fee etc.


    ICICI Bank is one of the leading players in the Indian remittance market.ICICI bank also offers a wide range of banking products and financial services for corporate & retail customers through a variety of delivery channels and specialized subsidiaries in the areas of investment & retail banking.


    M2I (Money2India) is a safe and simple online service for tracking money transfers from 9 countries viz. USA, UK, Singapore, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Sweden, Switzerland, & UAE. The objective of the Loyalty program is to improve customer engagement and retention with M2I.

  • Deep-Dive: Challenges

    Challenge 1

    Customers & huge transactions volume
    • 1.5 Million existing customers
    • $ 3 billion transactions
    • 15 + years data

    Challenge 2

    One-size fits all issue
    • 36 Sub-Categories based on countries & respective currency – Blue, Silver, Gold, Platinum
    • Complex logic & calculation based on the exchange rate

    Challenge 3

    Rules to track & auto-categorization
    • Dynamic rules to track based on the exchange rate
    • Upgrade & Downgrade in the category as per transaction rules
  • Solution

    M2I loyalty platform application offers a dynamic and real-time rule engine platform that allows a marketer to create campaigns to personalized promotions & build omnichannel customer experience.  


    M2I loyalty platform utilizing Rule Engine to create dynamic loyalty & reward rules.

  • Implementation

    • Use of Wongi-Engine as Rule Builder
    • Built REST-API interface to integrate with existing ICICI M2I platform
    • Data mapping & migration to newly developed loyalty DB Dashboard display loyalty metric & KPIs
    • Generate on-demand reports based on attributes.
    • Architecture for making M2I loyalty application production-ready.
    • Set-up M2I loyalty application in the cluster to serve bigger loads
    • Notifications and alert mechanism in case of failures
    • Deployment on Client’s Red Hat Enterprise Linux using Docker instance
  • Impact

    15% increase in the number of transactions per month


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